Aims and objective of foreign policy of Bangladesh

As like other countries, Bangladesh Foreign policy also has some major objectives. Aims and objectives of the Bangladesh foreign policy are to foster public interest, to protect national security, to make sure development, to confirm national dignity and to keep countries ideology alive. 
Photo: Bangladesh foreign minister Dr. Dipu Moni

To ensure the public interest is the basic reason for a foreign policy. Ensuring public interest one of the major objectives of Bangladesh foreign policy. Policymakers made to serve the purpose of the state and that is the highest priority. 

Bangladesh foreign policy is made to ensure national security both internally and externally. Internal dimension can be understood from political and economic stability of the environment. It denotes stability of the domestic sphere of Bangladesh. On the contrary, external security means preservation of freedom from the external opponent 

One of the major agenda of Bangladesh foreign policy is to ensure national development. To encourage foreign direct investment and effective use of the Bangladeshi Diaspora can be an example. Besides collection of grant and aid for national development get priority in foreign policy. 

Another aim of foreign policy of Bangladesh is to dignify the country in the international arena by participating in many international events like UN peacekeeping mission. 

Bangladesh's diplomatic relationship is used in different area likely to facilitate RMG sector, to support Bangladeshi worker in foreign countries, to promote trade and commerce, to develop close relationships with neighboring countries and to combat terrorism.


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